PT Superintending Company of Indonesia (PT SUCOFINDO) –SBU Sertifikasi dan Eco Framework (Sucofindo International Certification Services)
Company Type

PT Superintending Company of Indonesia (PT SUCOFINDO) –SBU Sertifikasi dan Eco Framework (Sucofindo International Certification Services)

Deskripsi Singkat


Ruang Lingkup

a. Verifikasi Laporan Emisi1

Combustion of Fossil fuels (01.01)1

b. Validasi Dokumen Rencana Aksi Mitigasi (DRAM)1

Energy Industries (renewable/non-renewable sources) (02.01)1

Waste Handling and Disposal (02.14)1

Forestry and Other Land Use (02.15)1

c. Verifikasi Laporan Capaian Aksi Mitigasi (LCAM)1

Energy Industries (renewable/ non-renewable sources) (03.01)1

Waste Handling and Disposal (03.14)1

Forestry and Other Land Use (03.15)1

 •  Telah ditetapkan besaran tarif PNBP atas jasa layanan penerbitan SPE-GRK dan SRN sebesar Rp 3.000,00/dokumen