Deskripsi Singkat
Ruang Lingkup
Nilai Ekonomi Karbon (NEK)
- Verifikasi Laporan Emisi
- Combustion of Fossil fuels (01.01)
- Refining of Mineral (01.02)
- Forestry and Other Land Use (01.03)
- Verifikasi Laporan Capaian Aksi Mitigasi (LCAM)
- Energy Industries (renewable/ non-renewable sources) (03.01)
- Energy Distribution (transmission & distribution) (03.02)
- Energy Demand (users) (03.03)
- Manufacturing Industries (03.04)
- Chemical Industry (03.05)
- Transport (03.07)
- Chemical Production (03.08)
- Metal Production (03.10)
- Fugitive Emissions from Fuels (solid, oil and gas) (03.11)
- Forestry and Other Land Use (03.15)
- Agriculture (03.16)